May 31st

World Parrot Day

World Parrot Day

World Parrot Day is held every year on May 31 to raise awareness of the threat to wild and captive parrots around the world. It is also a day to learn more about this intelligent and wonderful bird…

The World Parrot Trust organized the first World Parrot Day in 2004. They held a parrot gathering at Trafalgar Square in London and marched to Downing Street to deliver a petition calling for a complete ban on the import of wild parrots into the European Union. In 2007, the European Commission announced a permanent ban on the import of wild birds, including parrots. There are currently about 350 species of parrots in the world, with nearly half of them being threatened and a quarter of them critically endangered. Some interesting facts about parrots include their long lifespan, their monogamous behavior, and their strong beaks. Celebrating World Parrot Day can involve visiting parrots in a local zoo or bird sanctuary, learning more about different species of parrots, supporting organizations that protect and rescue parrots, watching documentaries about parrots, and sharing photos, videos, and stories of parrots on social media.


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