October 24th

International Day of Climate Action

International Day of Climate Action

350.org organized the first "International Day of Climate Action" on October 24, 2009 to influence delegates going to the December 2009 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP15). change.

Every one of us is already feeling the impact of climate change. According to the Norwegian Refugee Council, three times more people are fleeing their homes due to extreme environmental events than due to war or civil conflicts. Climate justice means that countries that bear the main responsibility for global warming must take global responsibility for the consequences and mitigation of climate change. Climate justice also includes intergenerational equality and responsibility for the environment. Instead of leaving future generations with environmental conditions that are at least as good as they are now, a high level of CO2 emissions leads to a situation where future generations have to overcome the unpredictable impacts of climate change.
- Surface temperatures are setting new heat records.
- The sea level is rising alarmingly fast.
- Glaciers are retreating worldwide.
- Our oceans are more acidic than ever before.
- Natural disasters are increasing.
- Change perspectives: Encourage individuals to think about what the world means to them and how they can show their appreciation by protecting and preserving the environment through a willingness to change destructive habits.
- Learn: Climate change is one of the biggest problems we face today, and it is essential that we learn not only the science but also its impact on the world and the changes necessary to preserve Mother Earth.
- Take action: Encourage and involve individuals in the community to contribute to the protection of our planet by choosing reusable products instead of disposable ones, or by recycling paper, plastics, newspapers, glass, and aluminum, or simply by planting trees.
- Celebrate: Climate change is caused by humans, and only humans have the power to change it. Encourage individuals in your surroundings to take a personal inventory of their habits and their impact on the planet and then organize or participate in activities that celebrate our planet.


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