December 19

Look for an Evergreen Day

Look for an Evergreen Day

Even if you already have your tree for this year's Christmas, this day is a great opportunity to get out and meet the other conifer species in your area and discover that these regal giants are around all year round.

Look for an Evergreen Day was originally established by the Arborist Association as a day to appreciate the beauty of these trees beyond just decorating them with lights and ornaments. Even in the deep winter, these noble trees maintain their needles and provide a beautiful green and white contrast that is so typical of the season.
Evergreens have played an important role in many societies throughout history, chosen for religious ceremonies due to their seemingly eternal nature even in times of death. But that's not the only place they are represented. Native Americans in the Pacific Northwest were entirely dependent on red cedar in many aspects of their culture. Whether they were making clothing, rope, or building their houses or canoes, red cedar was a vital part of their lives.
Going even further back, most people have heard of how Socrates was forced to drink a cup of hemlock tea. Hemlocks are evergreen plants that are shade-tolerant and have short striped needles. Knowing the difference between evergreens can one day save your life.
The best way to celebrate Evergreen Day is to take a book about local flora and go out to discover all the different types of evergreen plants that grow in your part of the world. There are literally thousands of different varieties, so there are certainly several examples in your area.
It is clear that if you haven't found your tree yet, it should happen. When you understand the difference between Douglas fir and dozens of other available varieties of Christmas trees, you will know which ones will have the most even distribution, which will be the densest, and best adorn your home and how to decorate them.


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