December 9

International Day of Veterinary Medicine

International Day of Veterinary Medicine

What would our life be like without pets? International Veterinary Medicine Day is dedicated to recognizing the field of medicine that keeps our animal friends healthy, and especially the people who practice it.

Taking care of our furry friends is a big responsibility, and veterinary medicine is the key to keeping them healthy and happy. Trust the experts who have dedicated their lives to our pets. International Veterinary Medicine Day celebrates the companies and organizations that not only work to promote the development of veterinary medicine but also provide owners with information to make the best choices for their pets. Whether it's alerting you to new dog food or a new medication that you may want to ask your vet about, these organizations are at the forefront of veterinary medicine. International Veterinary Medicine Day also honors the brave souls who work hard to keep our animals safe and constantly undergo continuing education to stay at the forefront of medicine that keeps our pets alive and healthy for many years. Special recognition is given to those who practice exotic animal medicine and care for animals that are rarely kept as pets. The best way to celebrate International Veterinary Medicine Day is by showing your veterinarian some extra love. Stock their baskets with fruit or sweets and let them know how much their work means to you. You can also celebrate by studying the latest innovations in veterinary medicine and sharing them with your friends and colleagues who own pets. You may just discover something that helps your own furry or scaly friends live a little longer. International Veterinary Medicine Day is also a great time to finally take your pets for that long overdue visit to the vet.


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