September 1st

International Primate Day

International Primate Day

This day is dedicated to saving and protecting primates of all species including chimpanzees, monkeys, orangutans, gorillas and many more. Animal Defenders International (ADI) established Primate Day in 2005 with a specific focus on ending experiments on monkeys for disease research. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), more than a third of primates are considered critically endangered or threatened species.

Primates, also known as primates, are a group of placental mammals that include more than 500 living species. They are divided into two main suborders: prosimians and anthropoids. The oldest scientific texts about primates date back to ancient times, but it was the Swedish scientist Carl Linnaeus who described them as a separate order. Primates are characterized by their advanced vision, reduced sense of smell, and the development of the brain. They have the largest brain size among all terrestrial mammals. Primates have a unique dental formula and their limbs are highly mobile, with opposable thumbs and flat nails. They are found on all continents except Antarctica, with lemurs and tarsiers being endemic to Madagascar. Primates exhibit a wide range of social structures, from solitary individuals to complex hierarchies. They have relatively low reproductive rates and exhibit advanced cognitive abilities, such as tool use and social learning. Primates have played an important role in human culture and religion. However, the growing human population has had a negative impact on primate species, with deforestation and hunting leading to the endangerment of 60% of primate species as of 2017.
Primates, also known as primates, are a group of placental mammals that include more than 500 living species. They are divided into two main suborders: prosimians and anthropoids. The oldest scientific texts about primates date back to ancient times, but it was the Swedish scientist Carl Linnaeus who described them as a separate order. Primates are characterized by their advanced vision, reduced sense of smell, and the development of the brain. They have the largest brain size among all terrestrial mammals. Primates have a unique dental formula and their limbs are highly mobile, with opposable thumbs and flat nails. They are found on all continents except Antarctica, with lemurs and tarsiers being endemic to Madagascar. Primates exhibit a wide range of social structures, from solitary individuals to complex hierarchies. They have relatively low reproductive rates and exhibit advanced cognitive abilities, such as tool use and social learning. Primates have played an important role in human culture and religion. However, the growing human population has had a negative impact on primate species, with deforestation and hunting leading to the endangerment of 60% of primate species as of 2017.


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