April 1st

International Bird Day

International Bird Day

The first of April belongs not only to April Fools, but also to all feathered people for more than 100 years. On April 1, 1906, the International Convention for the Protection of Useful Birds was signed. And precisely to commemorate the signing of this convention, since 1906 April 1 has been celebrated as "International Bird Day".

While many people know that International Bird Day is celebrated as a reminder of the signing of the international convention, few know that the tradition of celebrating Bird Day in Slovakia dates back to the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. The main goal of International Bird Day is to draw attention to the dangers threatening birds worldwide and to help protect them and their habitats. Protecting individual species is not enough, as the protection of their habitats is also necessary. Many neglected and overgrown areas of nature are disappearing from the Czech landscape, and few realize that this is causing the loss of habitats for many bird species. The biggest threats to birds, however, occur during their often very long migrations. According to BirdLife International, more than 1 million birds die each year in the Mediterranean, mainly in Cyprus, due to hunting practices. Ornithologists celebrate Bird Day in the field, as April is a time when bird migration is in full swing and many interesting bird species can be observed.


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