August 19

World Humanitarian Day

World Humanitarian Day

Donate, raise awareness and volunteer your time to help humanitarian efforts around the world and help the poor and needy in every country, even your own on World Humanitarian Day.

Every year, thousands of men and women around the world put their lives at risk working in humanitarian matters in the most impoverished and disaster-stricken countries. These dedicated heroes often sacrifice their lives in violent areas while pursuing their goals. World Humanitarian Day is a moment to remember these heroes and their sacrifices.
The history of World Humanitarian Day dates back to the bombing attack on the UN headquarters in Baghdad, which resulted in the death of Sergio Vieira de Mello and 21 of his humanitarian colleagues. Sergio had long been advocating for the official establishment of World Humanitarian Day, and it was finally recognized to honor him and the thousands of others who work tirelessly to make the world a better place for the less fortunate and those living in war, hunger, and disaster-stricken areas.
To celebrate World Humanitarian Day, take it as an opportunity to encourage your efforts in supporting the vulnerable and needy around the world. It all starts with education, so take some time to study the countries currently affected by war or natural disasters. Then find a way to volunteer and help improve the lives of people in these remote countries, either through small daily steps or by joining one of the many charitable organizations.
Don't forget to discuss the global situation with your friends and colleagues, raise awareness, educate yourself, and make sure everyone around you is aware of the difficult situation faced by people in need worldwide.


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