May 21st
Natura 2000 Day
The legislative basis for the creation of the world's largest internationally coordinated network of protected areas was created in 1992. May 21 is commemorated as Natura 2000 Day, which helps to protect and preserve for future generations rare and endangered wildlife, wild plants and natural habitats.
Natura 2000 is the largest and most complex network of protected areas in the world, covering various regions in the European Union. Its goal is to protect the most valuable and endangered species, plants, and habitats in Europe. The Czech Republic is involved in the project "Jedna příroda," which aims to care for these areas and is funded by the EU's LIFE program. The project has successfully established cooperation between nature conservation and landowners, resulting in numerous agreements and contracts. The project will continue to focus on agreements with landowners, management, monitoring, and education in the final phase. The Birds Directive requires the protection of habitats for endangered bird species through the establishment of bird areas, which are part of Natura 2000. These areas contribute to increasing bird populations in Europe. However, common bird species in agricultural landscapes are facing significant challenges due to intensive farming practices, leading to population declines. There is a risk that some previously common bird species may disappear entirely from nature.