August 29
World Day for the End of Speciesism
World Day for the End of Speciesism (WoDES) is an international event aimed at condemning speciesism, which is the discrimination against animals based on their species. WoDES has been held annually at the end of August since 2015.
Speciesism is the belief that one species is more important or valuable than another, leading to unequal treatment of animals. It is often defined as discrimination or unjust treatment based on an individual's species. Speciesism can result in the exploitation of animals for human use. Many philosophers argue that different treatment of cows and dogs, for example, is a clear example of speciesism, as both species have similar interests and should be given equal consideration. Animal rights is a philosophy that recognizes the moral value of all sentient animals and advocates for their basic interests, such as avoiding suffering, to be respected. Animal rights are often used interchangeably with animal welfare or animal liberation, but specifically refer to the idea that animals have fundamental rights to life, freedom, and protection from cruelty.