November 21

World Fisheries Day

World Fisheries Day

World Fisheries Day is celebrated on November 21 every year. It aims to draw attention to overfishing, habitat destruction and other serious threats to the sustainability of marine and freshwater resources.

In 1997, the World Forum of Fish Harvesters and Fish Workers met in New Delhi, leading to the creation of the World Fisheries Forum with representatives from 18 countries. They signed a declaration advocating for a global mandate of sustainable fishing practices and measures. Fishing, along with aquaculture, provides food, nutrition, and income for approximately 820 million people worldwide. However, one of the biggest threats to the sustainability of global fishery resources is illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) points out that almost 90% of global marine fish populations have been fully exploited, overfished, or depleted to the point where recovery may not be biologically possible. The release of harmful substances, such as plastics and other waste, into water bodies has devastating consequences for aquatic life. Recent research shows that over 50% of plastic waste in the oceans, including the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, consists of fishing nets that hold this plastic island together. The accumulation of waste produced by industrial fishing in the oceans has many negative impacts, including the danger of injury or death to marine animals and the release of microplastic particles. We should not panic, as suggested by this Netflix documentary, but rather take action to address these issues.


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