November 23
Fibonacci Day
There are sequences that occur over and over again in nature. Ones that seem to define the very basis of the reality of the world and how everything is formed. One of these numbers is the Fibonacci sequence, which can be found in the most surprising places.
The Fibonacci Day celebrates the sequence discovered by Leonardo of Pisa, also known as Fibonacci, in 1202. The sequence, which is found in nature and art, is closely related to the golden ratio. To celebrate Fibonacci Day, one can learn more about the sequence and its applications, such as creating a Fibonacci sequence by adding the last two numbers. The sequence can be found in various aspects of nature, such as flower petals, pinecones, and snail shells. Additionally, there are higher-order Fibonacci sequences, such as the Tribonacci and Tetranacci sequences. The EKOkalendář project offers more than 240 environmental holidays and tips, including Fibonacci Day, in their electronic calendar.