October 2nd

World Farm Animals Day

World Farm Animals Day

This day has been commemorated since 1983, when it was announced by the Farm Animal Reform Movement (FARM). This date was chosen as a reference to the personality of Mahatma Gandhi (born October 2, 1869), who advocated for the interests of animals.

The World Day of Farm Animals is a day of mourning and remembrance for all animals that are imprisoned, tortured, and killed due to societal demand for products derived from their bodies. Modern ethological research shows that these animals are intelligent beings with rich emotional lives, and they are not fundamentally different from the animals we share our homes with as family members. They experience joy, sadness, pleasure, and pain, just like our beloved dogs and cats. Let us honor the memory of these innocent victims of human desires at a memorial gathering. The event will take place in many locations around the world and will be conducted in a solemn manner. Participants are requested to dress in formal mourning attire. The event can take various forms, with some cities organizing memorial gatherings in one location and others holding funeral processions with a symbolic coffin. Typical features of the event include solemn speeches that remind us of the billions of forgotten victims each year. More information about the World Day of Farm Animals can be found at httpssdhzcz.


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